Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Message From Cindy Chandler re: Commercial Broker Lien Law

This just came out and was hopefully received by your members.

For those members of yours who are in support of this legislation, please encourage them to respond to this Call For Action. It takes about 20 seconds.

I plan to ask how many Call for Action responses we got on this and if its low, then it will be difficult to defend this legislation. We need the participation of all of those who are in support. Remind them that its not "someone else's job" to respond.

I recognize that some of your developer members may not support this, which is fine. Those brokers who complain that they are hosed by landlords and sellers need to take action or shut up. From now on when they call me, complaining, I will ask them if they responded to this CFA and if not, I will terminate my conversation with them.

Because of the nature of my business this doesn't matter to me personally but I am supporting it as a commercial practitioner. There is broker lien law in about half of the states now, and this bill makes is difficult to have a frivolous suit.

Please go to for the Call to Action if you support this bill.


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