Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Starting a Blog

May 2oth,2009

So according to REALTOR AE, all Associations should consider a blog in order to communicate with their members. So here we are. The Triangle Commercial Association of REALTORS has started a blog.

We'll see how it goes. Blogs are meant to be a form of communication between, well in our case, the Association and it's members. So that means you guys are supposed to get involved and blog along with the rest of us. I'll be posting things of interest to the members as well as hopefully get some interest from the membership. In other words your supposed to comment as well.

Back on May 13th, we had a Golf Tournament at River Ridge in Raleigh. From my standpoint, I had a fantastic time. I hope the membership did. You should let me know. Pictures are forth coming. Comment if you want and can.

1 comment:

  1. The golf tournament was a lot of fun and I appreciate all of the hard work you put into it. Also, I appreciate the support we received from the TCAR members in making this a successful event despite the current environment. I hope to get feedback on the venue so the board can use that when selecting a course next year. Also, we will use a handicap system for next year's tournament. We thought we were going to have it this year but the pro didn't take it into account for some reason.

    See you at the showcase Rex Healthcare Knightdale in June!
