Coming Soon!
The Triangle Commercial Association of Realtors® and Tacquire are pleased to announce the launch of a new tool to serve the Triangle commercial real estate community!
Launching March 23, 2011 for TCAR and Tacquire Members
As an added benefit of membership (at no additional charge), TCAR and Tacquire members will have access to a new Haves & Wants database, accessible via
Effective March 23, 2011, TCAR Members will have the ability to post Haves & Wants and will receive compiled e-mail feeds on a daily or weekly basis. “Haves” encompass sale and/or leasing opportunities that are currently available, and “Wants” include specific criteria for sale and/or leasing options brokers and their clients are seeking. Personalized profiles will allow members to set preferences regarding which posts they receive, and how often, streamlining the communication process! Effective April 1, 2011 members will have the choice of posting to the local community and/or to eProperty Data’s national Haves & Wants database.
Tacquire Members will enjoy the same features listed above, with the additional benefit of having the ability to search the Haves & Wants database and to set up hot sheets to be immediately notified of Haves & Wants meeting their specified criteria.
Launching April 1, 2011 for All Commercial Real Estate Professionals and Stakeholders
At no charge, commercial real estate professionals and stakeholders who are not members of TCAR or Tacquire will have the ability to set up a profile via TCAR and to post Haves & Wants, as well as to receive a weekly e-mail feed allowing them to communicate with TCAR/Tacquire’s more than 500 members.
Stay tuned for additional information regarding this valuable new tool!
Want to discuss commercial real estate trends, post job openings, announce commercial real estate events and fundraising opportunities while managing the frequency of the emails you receive? Visit the Triangle Commercial Association of Realtors® LinkedIn discussion page and join the conversation!