The National Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC), supports pro-REALTOR® Congressional and Senate candidates from both political parties. Decisions on which candidates to support are made based on the level of support an elected official or candidate has for our REALTOR® Public Policy Advocacy Agenda. Local and State Associations make recommendations to the National RPAC Trustees using Real Estate Issues as the single most important factor for support of a candidate for election or re-election
· NAR is one of the most effective lobbying forces on Capitol Hill. The results from yesterday’s election have not diminished our ability to promote and protect the real estate industry.
· The New York Times, in the October 30, 2010 edition, singled out RPAC as “One of the few large outside spenders that has supported candidates from both parties…”
· Like most political action committees RPAC typically supports incumbent candidates with a strong level of support for our public policy agenda.
· RPAC has a long tradition of making our “friends” before we need them on Capitol Hill.
· Many Members of Congress come to Washington with a good understanding of real estate issues based on close relationships started on the local and state level.
· By cultivating these relationships over the long haul, NAR will not be scrambling to play “catch-up’ because the party in power changed.
· NAR has been well positioned during previous changes in Congress and will be again this time.
· We recognize that many REALTORS® will use non real estate criteria to evaluate candidates.
· NAR encourages political involvement by all members.
If you have detailed questions about specific candidates or the results of a specific race, please feel free to contact NAR's Managing Director of Political Programs, Scott Reiter at